Soft contained play systems are the ultimate in Safety
Soft contained play systems are the ultimate in providing our children with safe, secure, play environments. Every major supplier of soft playgrounds in the US has paid a great deal of attention to making their play structures as safe as possible. Unfortunately, for some suppliers this has meant imposing limitations on children that severely limit the opportunity to play. The result of this strategy has been to remove many of the aspects of challenge and recreation that are the very opportunities we want our children to have; PlaySmart has gone a different direction. While we recognize the realities of our legal system and the need to prevent injuries regardless of fault, we steadfastly refuse to deny our children the opportunity to experience the benefits of recreational play and to have fun. We have looked at the activities children enjoy, promote growth, physical fitness and social skills, and have found ways to make participating in those opportunities safer. While I personally believe our children should have the opportunity to run as fast as they can, jump off high places (so they can learn that sprained ankles or bruises are possible results), and to generally be rambunctious, this is not the territory of the soft playground. This doesn't mean that we have to create tame playgrounds that have put the clamps on any real opportunity for recreation and fun.
In a PlaySmart playground, every surface that a child can impact is either padded or designed to be impact absorbing. Our patented Tensioned Web Flooring System is so impact absorbing that you can drop an egg from over 20' and it will bounce when it hits the webbing of our floors. Children are never made to crawl through hard plastic tubes so there is no need for kneepads in a PlaySmart playground. The steel structure of our playgrounds is covered with Tuff Pad post padding. The reason we use Tuff Pad is that it has an extremely durable coating on it that protects it from degradation as well as protects its appearance. We use a specially molded urethane component to protect our thresholds because molded urethane is the longest lasting "soft" material available.
As you can see safety is of the utmost concern for PlaySmart and adhering to the ASTM Standards that are set forth.